Thursday, October 23, 2014

What Destroyed America?

It's 2075 and I am long since dead.  I write to you from your future.  I have traveled here in my mind, and looked back at my life and the lives of millions of others who lived their entire life in a dreamworld of denial, which was created by their unseen masters.  The America that you know has been destroyed, not by any outside aggressor, but by internal rot, corruption, and greed.  The oligarchs are in complete control now and nothing is left of what was once a thriving nation of enterprising individuals.

The citizens of this third-world nation, the Socialist States of America, are either rather disgusting fat blobs, or are starving, but most all are of low intellect and education, mere automatons who have few, if any, dreams, and who have almost zero chance of raising their stature in life, except through slavery to the authoritarian government that overseas everything.  Only oligarchs' families get the best jobs and most rewarding positions, for they have become the uncrowned royalty that rules over all the serfs that serve them.

Most of the populaces' best days are at the stadiums, watching competitions between sports teams that are owned by rich oligarchs.  Poor children spend much of their early life energies competing in sports, hoping to grab a lucky ticket to a better life in a high-paid position as a professional athlete.  For that is probably the only way that they can rise from poverty without selling their soul to their masters.  At least for a few years, they can live under the illusion of success that their inflated salaries support.  If they are lucky, they may parlay their career into long-term advertising gigs after their bodies are worn out with age and abuse.

But for the rest of the poor youths that come innocently into third-world America, there is little hope of individual advancement except through the narrow approved channels of the hierarchy.  If they play the game according to the rules, they might eventually land a decent-paying job in a professional field.  But again, the ruling elite of the over-arching government would have to grant such a position, and of course, most positions go to the friends and family of the leading oligarchs. 

Small business and individual enterprise are a thing of the past, because after all, no one ever built a business on their own, without government-granted authority.  Crime is rampant, because many individuals refuse to comply, and look for ways to circumvent the existing oppressive hierarchy of their socialist masters.  So black markets thrive, under the observing eye of the omnipresent government, which turns it's back to those who pay tribute to the overlords.

Each day, hordes of the citizenry bow and face Mecca, and pray to Allah for his assistance in either converting or destroying the remnant infidels who still perniciously abstain from Islam. The inferior women are largely invisible now, most driven from any positions of authority as the new caliphate continues to rise in third-world America.

The riots and piteous attempts at revolt are mostly over now, and starvation is rampant through the lowest classes.  Shariah law is wide-spread and most of the Christians have wisely deserted America for elsewhere.

I contemplate how this could ever have happened; how people could have become so anesthetized as to let the dream that their forefathers handed to them disappear, and it suddenly dawns on me.

Television.  That was the catalyst that helped cause the downfall of the people.  They watched fervently glued to their screens, constantly absorbing the propaganda that was spoon fed to them through the fifties, sixties, and on up to the millennium.  Then, technologies changed and cable TV and movies, and reality TV, and the garbage and banality of the Jerry Springers, and Oprahs, and Doctor Phils, and a host of others filled their minds with useless garbage, and twisted their values, and occupied their idle hours as they were simultaneously programmed to buy, buy, buy whatever the commodity-based economy pushed on them.

I guess it was about then, at the millennium, that I really noticed things going downhill badly.  It accelerated of course, and there wasn't much that the average person did except watch and wonder how things got to be crazier and crazier.  But few got up off their couches until it was too late.  There were meaningful movements like the Tea Party, by well-intentioned individuals who had banded together in a common cause of freedom and individuality, but they were quickly side-tracked by both the existing power structures and by traitors who tried to use them for their own self-serving ends.

The financial collapse was the crowning achievement of the oligarchs who had used the endless greed of the banksters to set the final mouse trap for America.  After that, it was easy to lead a starving, riotous people to their final enslavement.

I guess it doesn't really matter.  The same things have been happening for thousands of years; the same stories played out in different ways.  From Confucianism to Zoroaster, to Buddhism, or Christianity; from ancient Egypt before it was corrupted by mystics, to ancient India, to the Greeks and Romans.  The virtuous ideals of individuality and the quest for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have always been at war with the collectivists and oligarchs who enslave entire populations of men to serve their own greedy ends.  So often, even through relatively recent history, we were all shown the methods of such evil men and systems of government, but the same tricks, the same promises have lead populations astray so that millions and millions of innocent, uninformed individuals were led to slaughter in wars and conflicts around the globe.

It is too depressing to look across this wasteland, so I will travel back in time to try to live the last of my life in a better world.  But what can I do as one individual to sound the alarm?  How can you make people see what they refuse to see?  If they killed the master Jesus, than how can a nobody help them?

One step at a time, one conversion at a time; open their eyes and make them see.  They don't need bigger houses and boats and new cars.  Turn off their video games and televisions and get them to think.  Nudge them, from their unconscious ways.  Advise them that the senseless violence God allows, the many murders of innocents may serve a purpose, if it instructs them to a better life in the future.

For it is always up to individuals to decide their own life paths, and no one, not even a Jesus can save people who refuse to be saved.  But many may change, many may awake, if they are given the chance to do so.  Too many are innocent of knowledge, and that is not a sin of their own making.  They have been kept in the dark like mushrooms and fed half-truths and a lot of Bravo Sierra.  They just need to be nudged a little.  When they are touched by personal tragedy; when their relatives' heads are sawed off; when they are starving in the desolate streets and dying in endless riots; then they might awake.

Hopefully, they will do so before then, but the odds do not favor the ignorant, complacent masses.  The oligarchs know this well, and they are very skilled in manipulating the public spirit to meet their own designs.

I'm going back now, from these decaying streets, back to an America where there is still hope; where there is still a chance for change.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Your Truth Matrix

In my writings, I often use the term "truth matrix" and I would like to elaborate on why that term is so relative and so very important.  For those that have studied advanced algebras, they are already intimately familiar with the importance of matrices, but for those who are not familiar with the operations of linear algebra, let me explain.

Systems of linear equations are used to describe things such as the many forces on complex systems like an aircraft wing or a beam under load.  To solve such complex systems of equations the corresponding variables may be arranged in a matrix and then solved using vector operations of linear algebra.

The human mind does a similar thing whenever it makes any judgement.  Your personal truth matrix operates on all the known relevant facts to help solve any problem placed before you.  What is two plus two?  Your mind answers almost immediately, without cognitive thought, conditioned by a lifetime of programming.  Most people will solve elementary math problems correctly, but we are all limited in how we perceive reality by the programming that has been instilled in our minds since birth.  "Prove that the given function f(x) = y is continuous and differentiable on the given interval," requires a different set of truth matrices than a simpler addition problem.

Complex social issues are complex because individuals' truth matrices have been wrongly programmed through conscious design, so that individuals may be more easily deceived and manipulated.  Most everything in the world becomes simplified as one's personal truth matrix is corrected.  Racism, bigotry, corruptions and lies all melt into nothingness when a healthy human being has their truth matrix more closely aligned with reality.

As the student of life progresses to higher levels of consciousness, he or she gradually removes false-truths from their personal truth matrix.  Otherwise, they cannot progress.  False-truths limit one's accurate perception of reality, cause distortions of thought, erroneous answers, and circular logic that leaves the individual exhausted and confused.

Logical Individualism breaks down the most complex social problems into easily diagnosed modules and allows one to approach existential reality in a more god-like fashion, seeing creation as it is, and not through socially programmed distortions.

Consider this: The man Jesus, in three words, gives all thinking individuals everywhere the strongest basis for their own personal truth matrix, the foundation upon which they may safely build.  He says:

Love one another.

The elevated individual grows to realize that empathy and a concern for one's fellow individuals is not only logical, but is also in one's own best interest.  For we are all our brothers' keepers, and as we watch and protect our fellow individuals' best interests, so will our individual interests be best protected.  Such is the Brotherhood of Man.

Higher Consciousness

Higher levels of consciousness are like a form of insanity as viewed from below. For the people who see higher levels no longer see many of the trials and tribulations of life in the same manner as when they were on lower planes.  In fact, as one goes higher still, many earthly problems are no longer visible, as if they had been obscured by clouds in the inter-lying altitudes. The big picture yields such a greatly different perspective as to change one’s entire worldview.

One cannot communicate to those below due to the clouds that obscure vision in both directions.  Thus, higher levels of consciousness are a lonely place where the individual must tread carefully so as not to fall, for there is no visible help, no one to lend a hand in the rarefied atmosphere of higher consciousness.

At least not yet, not to my knowledge.  I have read many theories of help from above, many fascinating stories of timely coincidences.  So here is my theory, right or wrong.

The universe being symmetrical, each positive is balanced by a negative, and in the world, there are obvious forces of combined evil that thwart mankind’s attempts to reach happiness.  I know this to be true, because most all of us have either seen such combined forces, or at least read about them throughout history.

Therefore, by the assumption of symmetry in the universe, I must assume that there are also combined forces of good.  They just must not be visible to me at this point in time. They may be dispersed, and therefore unable to be pinpointed, as groups of individuals without coordination, spread out uniformly, waiting to coalesce when needed (like the Tea Party).  Or perhaps they help in unseen ways, and only when necessary.  Unfortunately, I cannot know that, and I cannot believe it due to my refusal to accept any mystical beliefs that cannot be proven.  So at present, I am left with this quandary: If there are organized forces of good in the world that help men, why can’t I see them?  Where are they?

And at higher levels of consciousness, will there ever come a helping hand?  Or is the most one can hope for subtle guidance and invisible “mystic” forces?

Friday, October 10, 2014


One Hundred and Three Years of Gestation

The Republic of Taiwan does not yet exist, except in the hearts and minds of its people.

Friday, millions celebrated Taiwan's National Day, popularly known as Double Ten Day, which commemorates the start of the Wuchang Uprising of October 10, 1911, which led to the collapse of the Qing Dynasty in China and establishment of the ROC on January 1, 1912. 

It is perhaps, symbolic of our times that a giant panda in the room is completely ignored diplomatically for expedience, waiting for the passage of time, and the arrival of what will be the New China Republics, multiple independent autonomous states all sharing a common heritage and lineage. 

Change ultimately comes from individuals, and the next great epoch for mankind is the coming Age of the Individual.  It is inevitable that a final battle of collectivist oligarchs and free minds of thinking individuals must occur on planet Earth.  The Information Revolution, coupled with the final consequences of the Bankster Era and attempts at renewed collectivist rule by both oligarchs and primitive, outdated illicit theologies will catalyze individuals worldwide to take new formative actions that will reshape existing nation states and malignant world-wide power structures.

The youth of today, like the youth of yesteryear, want a better life and a brighter future.  It will come, but not without determination and self-sacrifice, and a faith in God.  The train to the future is in the station and seats are being taken.  Don't be afraid to take the ride.


Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Truth Shall Make You Free. 

The man Jesus said: "He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God." 

So it is with truth.  A person can have the truth staring them in their face all their life, and still not see it.  One may look at the stars and admire them, yet see how our concept of the stars has changed over the years from primitive man, to Galileo, to Hubble.  Always with wonder did men view the sky, yet their eyes could not reveal the truth to them, no matter that they did try their best to discern it.

This has been the fate of men for thousands of years, to chase the truth, and yet to never fully grasp it.  Many think the truth is beautiful and pure and is the highest calling of mankind, yet they have no more grasp of the truth then did cave men have knowledge of galaxies beyond the ability of their eyes to see.

Some people demand their freedom, and make a great fuss about it, without ever bothering to greatly consider what it entails. If the king grants you ultimate freedom, are you not still confined to a thin layer of atmosphere wherein you can breathe, and are you not still confined to a small planet upon whose surface you may only run about in great circles, and are you not also confined to a feeble body of flesh whose existence may cease at any instant?    So wherein lies your freedom?

If the same king should throw you in a cell, can he command your thoughts?  Are they not just as free as if you were on some remote mountaintop?  I make no point, other than to say that most do not greatly consider the cost of freedom, nor do they carefully define it.

Freedom cannot exist without truth, and truth sometimes cannot be seen.  Therefore, like the primitive caveman who could not see the galaxies, modern man yearns for freedom without understanding.  One must first carefully define freedom before demanding it.  The sheep must pass through the door to see the truth and find pasture.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Choose Your Reality


When I first viewed the movie, "The Matrix," many years ago, I was impressed with its imagination, clear-headed plot, and overall achievements as both art and entertainment.  But it wasn't until much later that I realized that it was really an allegory, and that is what makes it sheer genius.

Look around you and what do you see?  Whatever you see, the chances are only one in a million or less that you see anything close to reality. 

Like the Matrix, we live in a carefully scripted reality, and humans all over the world are deceived by the power structures that currently enslave them.  A door is opening, and some individuals in the world have begun to awaken.  They are realizing that their governments and most of what they thought to be true are all lies, and that the same power structures that enslaved their parents and grandparents have dictated an even deeper enslavement for their children and grandchildren.

Nothing is real, and everything that most people think is real is just a carefully constructed matrix of lies and deceit meant to entrap the individual into believing that he or she has some modicum of choice  in their ultimate destiny.  But no one has a choice, if they do not have the facts, and almost no one has the facts.  They have constructs of lies laced with facts, and some of the richest and most successful people think that they know the most, when in fact, they have just learned how to work within the Matrix, never really suspecting the depth of of their delusions.

This is the "Invisible Tyranny" that stalks the world.  It is everywhere, and no one has enough information to expose the truth.  Look around, and you see lie piled on top of lie, deception on top of deception, but all mingled with some basic truths.  Thus, most people live their lives in serfdom to oligarchs, who themselves are still slaves to a higher power.  

In the past, countries have warred against one another killing millions of innocent individuals in the process, and nothing has changed except the manor and depths of the deceptions that control the masses. There is little difference between what is happening now in the world, and what circumstances were like in 1917, but without the benefit of historical facts, individuals worldwide cannot even begin to make a comparison, cannot even begin to see how they are being constantly manipulated by evil and sinister power structures and elites, who themselves are mere pawns and servants to their own greed and masters.

The curtain is about to rise on a new epoch, and new paradigms are going to occur.  As an individual, just as in "The Matrix," you have a choice of which pill to swallow.  If you choose to believe what you see in the media and what you are told by the existing power structures, or if you choose to adopt an old set of lies that is being trotted out for public consumption just as it was 100 years ago, you and your progeny will continue to be victimized by the "Invisible Tyranny," that has been in place for generations.  If you are one of the "lucky" ones, you might even lead a good life, living in the bubble that is your dream, your manufactured reality.

Or, you may choose to wake up, as some have done, and begin to question all that you have been told, all that you have been programmed to believe is true, to cut through the curtain to a hidden true reality that is existence.  It isn't easy, and many will choose the Matrix, rather than experiencing the pain and isolation of a frightening reality.  Many suspect even now, but they either fear to question, or choose to take the easier way of accepting what is handed to them.

Many will never understand that there is no freedom of choice without truth, no possible path to redemption from sin, without chastity.

Which pill will you swallow?