Thursday, October 22, 2009

Miracles Often Taken For Granted

Last night, a rush job at the shop needed parts from several different distributors spread across the nation. I ordered the required parts, some from Wisconsin, California, and Texas by overnight express, and received them all this morning. Companies like UPS and FedEx are amazing, and we often take them for granted. It used to take 6 months to get from the East Coast to the West Coast, and now we get packages overnight routinely!

Then today, while driving in my car, my cell phone rang, and I picked it up to hear: "This is Bob, from Alaska, did you get that photo I just emailed you?" I explained that I was in my car and that the office phone had been forwarded to my cell phone, and told the inquirer that I would check my email as soon as I got back to the office.

Again, miracles that we have come to rely on and which we take for granted: Cell phones, call-forwarding, and the internet! None of this stuff existed a few decades ago. It would have seemed impossible back then. Now, if it doesn't work, or if a package arrives an hour later than expected, we feel irritated!

How soon we forget the miracle, and then become cranky. Amazing!

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