The primary thing to do here, is to lay a simplistic ground work which allows any individual to logically ascertain the validity of the previous assertion; that universal laws of consciousness exist which ultimately determine the growth and ascension of consciousness. In order to do that, just as in any mathematical proof, we must frame certain definitions upon which to build. We needn't be extremely detailed, and in fact, it is better to be general, since one may get lost in the details and spend time arguing that which is unnecessary, so here are a few working definitions of which anyone with common sense can easily ascertain the validity.
Common sense, by the way, is far more common at birth than in adulthood, since many older individuals learn and/or fabricate mystic beliefs which limit their common sense abilities. Once a mind is infected with mystic beliefs, the individual often will be loathe to change those mystic beliefs, and will continue to fabricate distortions of physical reality which are supportive to the crooked logic and distorted viewpoints at which he or she has arrived. That is again, why I want to speak in undeniable generalizations, so that it is easier for all individuals to see clearly the open framework that is built from logic. The more complex the issue or idea, the more avenues of denial and argument that appear, and that is why it is always best to break down all thoughts, arguments, and doctrines into their most basic logic modules for analysis of their validity. Otherwise, there are too many variables which need to be addressed, and the arguments grow out of proportion to the truths for which one searches.
Intelligence is easier to define than consciousness, because it is a precursor to consciousness. There must be intelligence before there can blossom consciousness. This follows from the nature of consciousness, which we shall describe next. There are many definitions of intelligence and how one may test for intelligence, so let us start with the most basic necessity of intelligence, which is memory, and build from there. The beginnings of intelligence are based in memory, which may be nothing more than a recall of external stimuli, a simple list of stimuli that is retained by an organism. Memory need not be conscious, and can be found in many lower animals, and is easily proven by a learned response to external stimuli, such as a Pavlovian response or conditioned reflex. Other simple and easily verifiable examples of such learned responses are learned reflexes of fear due to electrical shock or heat, etc. In more complex memory, the subject develops a list or a stored matrix of stimuli and it can recall them at will. Basic intelligence begins with the ability to not only recall the original stimuli but to associate them either with causes or timing or any other events that may precede, accompany, or follow the stimuli.
So as with the case of a Pavlovian response, the dog not only starts to salivate at the ringing of the bell, but it anticipates the food and shows excitement. The emotional response is a higher order of response that accompanies the conditioned reflex. It can be proven that the dog reasons this out, because if the dog is given a series of shocks which follow the bell and feeding, it will show fear at a given time just before the shock.
Higher intelligence is merely the ability to store longer lists of memories in a temporal matrix which allows more complex associations to be formed. These more complex associations combined with a higher ability to anticipate events are what we recognize as higher intelligence. Anticipation is certainly a key element of higher intelligence, since it not only requires the recall of past events or stimuli, but an ability to project into the future, and guess that which comes next. Beyond that is inventiveness, which is where the subject can not only remember and anticipate, but it can devise new tools, lay traps for its prey, and use the elements of its environment to its own best advantage. Many creatures and species on our planet are intelligent, by this definition, and we are still learning to test just how intelligent many of them are.
Consciousness can not occur without intelligence due to its nature. In order to become conscious, a creature must first develop the skill to perceive itself as unique from its environment and it must realize that it has self-will. Just as in mathematics, where in a Cartesian coordinate system, a three dimensional figure cannot be drawn or explained without at least three basis vectors of length, width, and height (or x,y, and z), an individual must first develop a "my space" or a sense of self and independence to the environment before it can be said to have "free will".
So in basic consciousness we have not only a degree of intelligence, but we have a sense of self and recognition of free will. It soon becomes apparent, that there are degrees of consciousness and the growth of consciousness is accompanied by not only a sense of self, but as it progresses, there develops a sense for others and the higher emotions of empathy and compassion are developed. As the individual progresses in his or her growth, they ultimately become more godlike. They might not be able to explain logically why they "feel" as they do as they progress, but their inner self develops a more highly attuned humanistic response.
Many religions describe such personal growth of consciousness as either attaining grace or achieving nirvana or other terms. What matters for our purposes is that we see that there is a progression from basic consciousness and a recognition of self, to a higher evolution of thought and emotion that encompasses other individuals as well as one's self.
All that is necessary here is to establish the generalized working definitions of intelligence and consciousness, which has been done. The nuances of degrees of consciousness, or at what instant the individual can actually be deemed to be semi-conscious or humanly conscious, etc does not matter here.
To prove that consciousness is controlled by preordained law that is a function of reality, we need only review our definitions and think upon them. For as soon as an individual recognizes his or her uniqueness to the external environment by becoming self aware and develops self will, then all of that individual's natural born instincts become somewhat diminished and subject to the approval of that individual. Even fear and flight for self-preservation can be subordinated to the will of the individual.
Since self-preservation in the form of eating for sustenance and shelter from the elements is a natural selection for the individual, all things that enhance the individual's ability to accomplish those tasks will naturally be better for that individual. For with plenty of food and shelter, the individual can than be free to rise to higher levels of consciousness. This has been explained many times and in many places such as Maslow's hierarchy of needs, etc.
So having achieved consciousness, the individual will naturally want to do that which brings them comfort and security, i.e. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and all things that promote those ends are inevitably sacrosanct. For as soon as the individual's growth is restricted involuntarily, the individual's rights are thus infringed. In this most basic explanation of consciousness and the birth of an individual, we see that by definition, consciousness portends growth. This is a simplified common-sense definition that is easily understood.
There are many scientific facts that seem to show that life in general exhibits "negentropy", or a negative form of entropy, and that life consistently grows more complex, which seems to defy the laws of thermodynamics that dictate that all things tend towards randomness and chaos and their lowest energy states. And while it is true that some crystals which seem more highly organized are actually at lower energy states, evolution and the ever-increasing complexity of life on our planet certainly seem to indicate that life in general is growing more complex.
However, we needn't worry or argue those things here, since just from our simple definitions, it becomes apparent, that due to its inherent nature, consciousness is an integrating force that definitely evolves into levels of increasing complexity and that consciousness is destined to continually ascend provided that the growth of the individual is not restricted.
We have not spoken about or touched on morality or any particular religious doctrines, because logic allows us to deduce these things independently of religion. We needn't ascertain the validity of any particular doctrine except beyond one simple concept: the rights of the individual are sacrosanct. For as soon as the growth of the individual is restricted, so is the natural ascension of consciousness. Just as a stone in a gravity field will follow the field into its well, so will consciousness rise to higher levels if the individual is allowed to grow. That is why reality deems that the rights of the individual are and must be sacrosanct (in order for the individual to achieve maximum mental evolution and ascension of consciousness).
We have not yet mentioned how one individual interacts with another, but the golden rule takes care of all of that, since it is purely logical to say that no individual would want to be restricted in their natural godlike growth, and therefore to ascertain that principle among all individuals, one must do unto others as one would have them do unto oneself.
This is the simplized evolution of the Law of Eleven and Seven as previously expounded. All matters of conscious life reduced to eighteen words. These two laws, locked inextricably together for clarity, form the basis for the maximum growth of all conscious individuals, and are universal in their application. All conscious life forms follow a similar path of ascension and are bound by these laws.
Therefore, all just religions, governments, and laws between men, must be subordinate to the basic laws of universal consciousness. Otherwise, they must be declared non sequitur and unjust, and they must be overturned.
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