As stated previously, the Ten Commandments can all be derived from the Law of Eleven and Seven. For Reference, here are the Ten Commandments, as given to Moses:
1) I am the Lord thy God... Thou shalt have none other gods before me.
2) Thou shalt not make thee any graven image... nor bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them...
3) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain...
4) Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee.
5) Honor thy father and thy mother.
6) Thou shalt not kill.
7) Neither shalt thou commit adultery.
8) Neither shalt thou steal.
9) Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbor.
10) Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbor's wife... covet thy neighbor's house, his field, or or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or anything that is thy neighbor's.
The first four commandments deal directly with how man interacts with God, and for simplicity, we will derive those last, because of their nature.
The fifth commandment says to honor your father and mother, and that is covered by the first half of the Law of Eleven and Seven, since no one would want their children to disrespect them or be disobedient, so obviously you would obey your mother and father, since you would want your children to obey you.
Commandment six says "Thou shalt not kill", and this is covered by both the first and second parts of the Law of Eleven and Seven. The rights of the individual are sacrosanct, and killing someone would be an obvious violation of their individual rights. We also would not want others to treat us that way, so the Golden Rule part of the law reiterates this.
Commandments seven and eight, (not committing adultery and not stealing), are both covered by the Golden Rule part of the Law of Eleven and Seven, since one would certainly not want to be robbed, so one does not steal, and one would not want his wife to commit adultery, so one should not commit adultery oneself.
Commandment nine says thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor, and while the Golden Rule part of the law handles that, there is also a very important reason why one should never lie that is logically deduced. A lie, or any falsehood does not promote the accurate integration of reality, because it creates instability in one's truth matrix. When we break down all complex thought into its most basic logic modules, we need to be sure of our facts. Lies or deceptions make any analysis that much more difficult. So in any ordered society, all liars are the enemies of all men and women within and served by that society, for liars propagate instability in any integration of truth.
Simply put, in all complex societies, trust is essential in order that the society can best function. When you post a letter, or hand a package to the UPS or FedEx man, you trust him or her to do the best that they can to see that your package is safely delivered. The same is true with hundreds of things that we all take for granted in our complex society.
So often it is heard: "I don't trust anyone", but that is a misconception, for all of us living in complex societies trust the other members implicitly to act honorably and honestly. Otherwise, everything would become unstable and collapse far too easily. This is in fact the biggest problem in third world countries as they strive for growth and success. The rampant corruption of their leaders, and at all levels of their society thwart the individuals' best efforts and trap them in a web of corruption and evil. So one must never lie. One must act ethically and just.
Commandment number ten is basically another common sense derivative of the Golden Rule portion of the Law of Eleven and Seven, since no one would want their neighbors to be jealous of their possessions or desirous of possessing them too strongly, since it would be an invitation for mischief.
Now, we return to the first four commandments that deal with how the individual interacts with God. These four commandments are readily deduced from logic when one adopts the most simple definition of God: "God is good". But what is good? Good is the opposite of evil; it is all that helps to promote the growth of the individual to higher levels of consciousness. It is all that helps man become more godlike.
Therefore, it is only logical, that if God is good, that man would never want to have any false gods before him, since any false god would be less than pure good, and could not best help man ascend to his or her highest level of consciousness. Thus, any graven images of anything; any worship of anything but the one true God, the one true and ultimate good, would be folly. As far as the commandment that thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, that is a logical corollary considering that one's most highest held tenets must necessarily be held sacred, and therefore to demean them in any way would be unwise. God being the ultimate tenet of good, one should therefore, logically, not demean God in any way.
Finally, we must address the commandment of keeping the sabbath day holy. I don't see where anyone with any common sense would want to argue this as not being prudent. To be precise, God asks that a man or woman not use the tools with which they earn their trade on the sabbath day in other places in the bible. That seems like very sound advice to me, since anyone who works too long or too hard at any task, risks emotional and physical breakdown. A logical lifestyle that leads to good health and mental stability would coincide with one that observes a distinct day of rest from the travails of earning a living in a competitive world.
In addition, one needs to regularly contemplate in isolation or even in quiet groups in order to continually check one's progress at integrating the truths of reality. Thus, holding the sabbath day holy would seem a good practice, and logically sound advice.
Looking back, to the time in history when men were given these Ten Commandments, it is easy to see why they were needed, and indeed why they will always be needed in one form or another. The Ten commandments were given around the year 1440 or 1441 BC (using the early date for the Exodus).
Of course, the Golden Rule dates back over ten thousand years, and there are many ancient religions of India that said similar things almost ten thousand years ago. The main point here, is that all of the Ten Commandments can be derived logically from the Law of Eleven and Seven, and that they are completely logical as described.
Even an atheist who is logical, should not be against the Ten Commandments, provided that he or she has the logical fortitude to accept God as good, and not get caught in the trap of describing God in detail, for no living man can say with certainty that his concept of God is more true and accurate than another. However, one can deduce with accuracy, both from logic, and from history, that any civilized society must hold some tenets sacred and/or holy in order to have any degree of order. Therefore, a denial of God being tantamount to a denial of good, anyone who logically argues against God, also argues against good. Anyone who argues against God in government, argues fallaciously, for they argue against good in government, and in America at least, such was never the intention of the founders.
In summation, it seems quite obvious that the Law of Eleven and Seven presents no conflict to the basic tenets of Christianity, and it can be easily proven logically, that all just religions are compatible with the Law of Eleven and Seven. This is understandable, since reality preordains these laws of consciousness, which best govern the natural ascension of all conscious individuals everywhere in this reality.
(One grammar note: I used a copy of the bible that I inherited from my father to copy the commandments, dated 1938, from Concordia publishing House of Saint Louis, Missouri.)