Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Demise of America

Who do you blame?

When you see an idea dying, smothered by evil forces from every direction; when you see a gift from God and the minds of great good men wither and choke, the breath of freedom becoming shallow and strained, weaker with each passing day; when you see good, hard-working people robbed of their wealth and enslaved in a never-ending spiral of debt, endlessly working from cradle to grave, chasing the dream that was America, but which has morphed into a distortion of that which made it so great.

Who do you blame?

It's not easy to immediately see how we got here, because it has occurred over many generations, a growing cancer and blight in our society, which many thought we were rid of, but which never died and now has metastasized into a malignancy that threatens to destroy America as a bastion of freedom and as the champion of individuality and personal dreams.

It is never one man, just as Hitler was not the cause of Nazism. In fact, it has been an erosion, a constant demoralization of all the principles and ideals that made this country greater than its own reality at any instant. America has always been greater than itself, buoyed up by the dreams of millions of freedom-loving individuals who knew that their best hope for a brighter future for themselves and their posterity lay here on these shores.

Who do you blame?

Not the millions of brave Americans who have sacrificed their lives in so many wars to preserve our way of life, and many times to help free others from the yoke of tyranny. And not the millions of hard-working parents who have worked all their lives to provide a better life for their children, and who have done their best to set good examples for those children by their own behavior.

Who  then, do you blame?

There is an "Invisible Tyranny" that stalks us all, a set of circumstances into which all individuals are born.  Blame this tyranny that constantly enslaves mankind to ill-conceived principles, false truths, and bad logic.  Blame the "Invisible Tyranny" for the death of good common sense in individuals, and the proliferation  of wars and wide-scale murder on our planet.  There are many evil leaders and miscreants, but it is the Invisible Tyranny that is the final slave master over all individuals.

"The Invisible Tyranny" will soon be exposed.

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