Sunday, March 28, 2010
Finding Absolute Truth: The Law of Eleven and Seven
A squared plus B squared equals C squared.
Some say there is no such thing as absolute truth. But throughout our universe, and throughout all universes, certain basic truths exist. These basic truths may be labeled laws, since they must always be followed in order to accurately integrate truth to achieve higher levels of consciousness. A basic truth remains inviolate due to the reality that creates it, and reality is what exists independent of us.
Reality is reality, it is not what we wish it to be.
Reality exists independent of man and his thoughts. Man may discover laws of reality, but he cannot change reality without altering the universe which creates said reality.
If the earth were to disappear tomorrow, the laws of physics which govern this reality would remain unchanged. They have always been here, and man only struggles to learn and understand them.
Perhaps the closest mankind has ever come to absolute truth is the science of mathematics, because mathematics never lies to us. Postulates once proven, do not change, or else they were never accurately proven to begin with. When Pythagoras put forward his theorem, he was only stating that which had existed as reality for billions of years.
In today's complex world where so many interest groups are vying for control of the individual's mind, clear thinking is more important than ever. But how does one find the real truth? It can be very difficult to divine truth when one is dealing with complex issues. The individual is often led astray by his or her own distortions of reality, and even more often they are led astray deliberately by cheaters and liars who corrupt the world, in order to cheat material wealth and power for themselves.
In order to find basic truths, one must disintegrate complex thoughts into their most basic building blocks and then rebuild with the most basic logic modules until the more complex integrated thoughts have been assembled from undeniable truths.
Like a mathematician, the individual must prove each thought to himself, in order to be sure of its veracity and undeniable correctness. In this way, complex social issues are solved using reality, and the cheaters, crooks, and parasites of the world cannot distort the individual's thoughts and rob them of their freedom and wealth.
To that end, I hereby introduce the Law of Eleven and Seven. Through the use of these two simple interlocked laws humanity can solve all problems in this world and bring about world peace forever.
Ah, here your mind, if it is reasonable, is probably already rebelling at this suggestion, for surely if it were so simple, then millions would have seen such basic truths long ago. In fact, the Law of Eleven has been known to man for thousands of years, and great religions have been built upon it and have long ago vanished from this earth. For the Law of Eleven, is merely my term, simply a convenient memory device to associate it with the Law of Seven that must always interlock with it, in order for it to be universally true and incorruptible.
The Law of Eleven is:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
The interlocking Law of Seven is:
The rights of the individual are sacrosanct.
Of course, most people will recognize the law of eleven as the "Golden Rule", which has been known by mankind for tens of thousands of years. But it has no power unless it is interlocked with the Law of Seven, because cheaters and defilers of the truth can easily manipulate human minds through emotions and false logic to corrupt human reasoning when only the Law of Eleven is used.
I submit several quick examples to prove my point.
Communism was originally hailed as the best hope of man to achieve justice and to build a utopia on this planet. Karl Marx said: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." That wonderfully sounding altruistic statement, certainly seems to be almost a restatement of the Golden Rule, but through the enactment of that inaccurate perversion of reality, over twenty million Russian peasants were murdered. Russian peasants were told they had to give up land that had been in their families for hundreds of years, and when they refused, entire villages were slaughtered by the communists. They did it in the name of building a better world. But now add the Law of Seven to the Law of Eleven, and it becomes impossible to distort reality. For if the rights of the individual would have been held sacrosanct, then no perversion of reality would have been possible. One cannot rob from one individual to give to another or a group of others, without violating the rights of the individual. It can't be done. Neither can it be allowed if one wants truth and justice to prevail in this world.
The Law of Eleven and Seven, when interlocked, can explode any crooked government or unjust law on this planet. It slices through lies, injustices, and perversions of truth like the sword Excalibur.
Apply the Law of Eleven and Seven to Muslim fundamentalist beliefs and they explode immediately, since nothing can ever justify violating the rights of the individual. Apply it to any human rights issues such as race relations, gay rights, woman's rights, or even immigration, and all seemingly complex issues dissolve into simple solutions. But the Law of Eleven and Seven must be one interlocking law composed of two simpler statements in order to always bring the light of truth to solving problems.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are self-evident rights, but in order to preserve those rights and bring world peace, the Law of Eleven and Seven must be applied without fail.
All religions, governments, and laws between men must be subservient to these absolute truths, or else they are unjust and must be brought into sublimation to this universal law of conscious beings and individual minds throughout all universes.
Learn and use this Law of Eleven and Seven; apply it to all logical arguments; apply it to all social issues; to all existing laws, and you will soon see how easy everything is to decipher, and to perceive as either true or untrue; just or unjust.
This is because these laws existed in all universes before consciousness evolved, just as the Pythagorean Theorem existed billions of years before Pythagoras. It is absolute truth, and the basic building block of universal law among all conscious beings throughout all universes.
Open your mind to the truth.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Real Change: The Opportunity of Trash
How tired are you of hearing about positive change that never seems to come to pass?
Year after year, election after election, we have candidates that campaign on the promise of change; change for a better future for ourselves and our children. It doesn't matter if it's on the local or national level, they all promise change.
Of course, it's natural, because most everyone knows that the world is far from perfect and therefore we all want change and a cleaner, better future; not just for ourselves, but for posterity. Unfortunately, many times the change either never comes, or it takes some form that we never hoped for. Higher taxes have been a regular feature for all of us as Americans. Even when they give us a tax break with one hand, they take it away through hidden taxes elsewhere; or less benefits, having to work to an older retirement age, or new programs that cause gas and utility prices to rise, so we all have less than we did before. It seems like the only solution is to keep making more and more money. So Americans who used to be able to live an ample life through the efforts of the man of the house, gradually sent most of their wives out to work, in the hope of catching a better life.
On the whole, they were successful, and the hard-working wives buoyed up our commodity-based society's economy, and over a period of about fifty years many Americans went from living in modest homes or apartments and riding public transportation, to owning multiple cars, multiple color TV's, boats, recreational vehicles, and more house than many of them could have ever dreamed of owning on a single salary. Taxes went higher and higher, and the basic necessities followed along with them, and soon, two salaries seemed like a basic necessity in many homes.
Technology advanced and the internet age began, and soon there were many more things that everyone just had to have, like computers and laptops, cellphones and video games, more and more, all the time, until America was finally at a net negative savings rate. So they pulled equity from their mortgaged homes, and started working multiple jobs and ran up credit cards, piling up debt that weighed heavier and heavier on their house of cards.
Some, played it safe and conservative, and didn't overspend, but they were still penalized as prices rose higher and higher, and property taxes followed the housing markets higher. Tough luck for the financially conservative who lived a more frugal lifestyle. They still saw the squeeze on their wallets. Only those lucky enough to be in the stock market saw real dollar gains in their savings.
Then came the millennium: POOF! The Internet bubble burst and the best part of the ride was over. So the Fed kept the money loose and the president instituted temporary tax breaks to stimulate the economy and things were soon off to the races again, and this time there were even bigger gains in the housing market, as people were encouraged to buy homes that were beyond their wildest dreams of ever being able to afford previously. Fast forward to 2008: SHOCK! A world credit crisis hit as the reality of bundled packages of bogus-rated mortgages became exposed. Months of agony followed as people saw their savings in the stock market go lower and lower and lower, many stocks losing over 90% of their value, or becoming worthless as companies went bankrupt.
But again the government stepped in, this time in a bigger way than ever, trying to re-inflate that which seemed not inflatable, and as banksters reinvested in the markets with government funds, the markets responded, finally rising back to a level where all the insurance companies would not be forced into bankruptcy from a lack of liquidity.
Along the way, a new face stepped out of the crowd and promised CHANGE, and under the circumstances, with the world seemingly on the brink of implosion, even many doubters threw their vote towards him. And why not, since there really didn't seem to be much hope elsewhere?
Now it really gets tough. After two consecutive bubbles that seemed to burst, and national debt being piled higher than ever before, the new hope for change, is about to run smack into reality.
I'm not a soothsayer, so I won't even attempt to predict the future, but I will say this: You are the change and the future. You always have been. For only you can choose your own steps; how you spend your money; what you choose to spend it on; who you vote for. Oh that's too easy, I know, it can't work, but I will prove it to you in a small way, if you just play along with me.
I live in the community of Curtis Bay at the southern tip of Baltimore. It's an interesting area, plagued with some of the problems of many areas, not the least of which is apathy by some of its residents, but it's also a great little community, where strangers will come up to you on the street, and just start talking to you about some movie they just saw, as if they know you. It takes a little getting used to when you move here from some place where people aren't as open.
There's a dichotomy here (like everywhere in the universe) of good and bad, but there's also a specter of positive change that is playing itself out in the form of a few local people with energy and hope, who are making a difference for many others without them even being aware of it. I see these same few people giving their free time to go to community meetings and community clean-ups and helping out at community movie fests and environmental-fests, and dozens of other projects that make the community better. It's very inspiring to watch them, and even better to be able to call them my friends.
Now, here's how you can prove to yourself that you are the change in the world, and that it can be immediate. Choose a place of your own liking and look around at the streets there. Hopefully, it will be a less than perfect place, and you can see some small pieces of trash or litter in the street or gutter. If you are lucky enough to be in such a place, pick up whatever trash or litter that you see in front of you and dispose of it. Congratulations, you just made a positive change in your world, by bringing order to chaos. Every time you see a piece of trash or litter in your environment, do the same thing. Don't feel shy or feel badly because you are doing something that someone else perhaps should have done. If you have a certain spot or street or corner of your campus that you frequent, make this a habit.
Soon you will enjoy the order that you know you can bring to that small section of the universe. It doesn't matter that others might, in a short time, return the scene to chaos, all that matters is that you have proven to yourself that you can effect positive change in the world. And of course, it needn't stop there. Because by setting an example, you might be surprised to find that others who see you, then start to do the same thing in their small section of the universe.
This process extends itself rapidly like a fractal, repeating, only not just with trash and litter, but with personal responsibility that starts to grow everywhere you go. Suddenly, you find yourself empowered, effecting change where you might never have even considered to try before.
Picking up trash is a golden opportunity, and it's real change in the world that you can see. It's tangible and meaningful, and it extends itself furtively into many other areas of your life. You are the change the world needs; you are the best hope of the world. You needn't search for some charismatic leader; you are what the world needs to better itself.
Do it. Do it now.
And if you ever happen to ride through Curtis Bay and see someone picking up litter, smile and wave, it just might be me.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Try to remember as you play the game of life, that there is no winning. The only win is to enjoy the game as long as it lasts.
To be able to say on one's deathbed that one gave it his or her all, and that they played fair and with good conscience.
Maybe there is one way to win; by trying to help others enjoy their lives and each other. To try to help them to understand that in this universe, the most valuable asset we all have is each other. No accumulation of wealth is worth very much if one can't appreciate their fellow creatures, both man and beast. To be able to rejoice and bask in the love of good. What else is more important? Nothing. Life is rather meaningless without that.
When you help others, you take self-gain out of the equation, and you are automatically a winner by default. It's like changing the rules of the game, so you can't lose.
Perhaps that is the only real way of winning. But you have to want it; you have to have reached that mental stage of evolution where you realize that it really is better to give than to receive.
Remember these thoughts the next time you feel dissatisfied or disheartened. You can only feel that way when you are concerned with yourself.
It is a philosophical irony that to be most happy, one must not seek happiness for oneself.
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